Civic Data Innovation Challenge – ‘Making Sense of “Belonging’

What was the ask?

Use grant funding from the GLA to deconstruct the concept of belonging into something practical and measurable, that can become a tool for local authorities and also feed into the GLA’s ‘Civic Strength Index’.

 What did we do?

We carried out 20 ethnographic interviews with residents in Newham and Lewisham, spending time travelling around their local area with them. We then fed these qualitative insights into a quantitative analysis of the Survey of Londoners, to identify what the core predictive factors of belonging are both across London and from borough to borough. 

What was the outcome?

We delivered a report unpacking our qualitative and quantitative insights about belonging, including the core predictors of belonging that we identified and recommendations for how local authorities can use these insights to foster more belonging in their boroughs. 


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