Ethics in Research

  • At Neighbourly Lab we abide by the MRS code of conduct and have a full range of ethical policies that ensure the safety of participants and researchers.
  • Awareness of impact of activities
    • When researching on sensitive issues in particular we are aware of how our activities can cause distress to others
    • We ensure all research questions are embedded with respect
    • We ensure all manner of delivery is embedded with respect
    • If participants become distressed that know that they can opt out or take a break at any time
    • Research benefits have to outweigh any estimated potential for harm otherwise project and process will not be undertaken
  • Participants are to be given a clear understanding of the purpose of research and the use of outputs
    • At point of recruitment participants to be explained about the project, with total transparency
    • At point of research participants to understand why certain questions are being asked or ethnographic activities carried out, e.g. built environment walkabouts
    • At point of write up, participants given opportunity to feed into our insights, and case studies so they feel their voices have been represented
  • Participation consent
    • Consent is gained in the most convenient, least disturbing manner for both researcher and participants
    • Confidentiality and/or anonymity are always promised and the steps taken to ensure this are outlined to them e.g never use name, age, or details, GDPR, secure data storage, quotations anonymised, nothing to identify them
  • demonstrate that incentive isn’t a coercion to participate even when someone doesn’t really want to – i.e. it’s simply fair reimbursement for their time
  • Ensuring participant power
    • Knowing they can withdraw at any time
    • Knowing they are telling their story in their words and that it will be used anonymously and not linked back to them, and used for positive social change
    • Ensuring the session ends on an ‘up’ where we ask participants to vision and make clear requests and recommendations for the changes they would like to see, e.g. wider pavements for wheelchair access
  • Creative outputs developed and delivered with informed consent
    • Any photos and video footage only used if participants give informed consent
    • Use of face only if entirely necessary, otherwise we use creative ways – sketches to bring to life our participants
    • Participants to sign consent
    • Participants to see all footage that will be used
  • Having safeguarding measures in place, if someone makes a disclosure as part of research

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