‘Making Sense of Belonging’ Report GLA Civic Data Innovation Challenge.

  • Insights

‘Analysis and measurement-making for
Local Area Belonging in London.’

Funded by Impact ​on Urban Health​ (IUH) & the Greater London Authority (GLA),​ Neighbourly Lab embarked on a research project to explore ​how Londoners experience a sense of belonging in their local area​.

Our study set out to​; unpack what “belonging” means to Londoners, identify the key factors that influence it​ and develop practical ways for local authorities to measure and strengthen it​.

Through a combination of ethnographic research, data analysis, and community insights from Lewisham and Newham, the report highlights five core predictors of local area belonging—from social connectedness to access to amenities—and provides a new Index of Belonging to help boroughs shape more inclusive and connected communities​.

A special mention & thank you goes out to
Our grant manager Rachel Dixon, the GLA Team, our fellow grantees & our partners at
LB Newham (Anne Bowers) & LB Lewisham (Lisa Fannon and Kerry Lonergan).

Click here to download the report

The cover for the Making Sense of Belonging Report for the CDIC Local Area Belonging Project


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